I'm Mary. My dog is Captain. My bus is Max. This channel is for people who aspire to or are inspired by nomadic living, especially those in the second half of their lives. We'll let the kids in if they promise to be cool. I'm a storyteller by trade and by nature. I can't help it. I aim to echo your story by telling my own.

The song in my trailer is "I Want Everything," but the "everything" I want has nothing to do with stuff. I'm talking about the richest and fullest experience possible. I want to have my cake and eat it, too - because what else is cake for? Metaphorically speaking, the cake of life is learning and laughs. Foodwise, your menu is your business.

A lot of us on this bus are embracing new thoughts and letting go of old things. Maybe literally, maybe not. Change is always hard, but it doesn't have to be grim. It can be exciting, and it can even be funny. We tell the truth here, wrapped in stories that go deep, but with a light touch. Isn't it time you got on the bus?


  1. Mary Dawkins on May 12, 2021 at 12:22 am

    Great introduction

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